George Washington - Mount Vernon Estate Historical Link Founding Fathers - Carroll Maryland Trust

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case - Largest Organised Criminal Conspiracy and Corruption Case - $ One Billion Dollars
$ Embezzlement of Funds Criminal Liquidation of Assets on a World Wide basis

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

George Washington 1st President - Commander-in-Chief Commonwealth Interests - US LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON DC USA - US Capitol Historical Society + Daniel Carroll of Duddington Estate * US National Treasures Seizures Theft "Forensics Files" - STATE OF MARYLAND GOVERNOR = CARROLL HOUSE ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND TRUST = THE "FOUNDING FATHERS" OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA = NATIONAL TREASURE - FBI Director Criminal "Standard of Proof" Prosecution "Forensics Files" - DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE * CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON "THE SIGNER" + ARCHBISHOP JOHN CARROLL "FOUNDER" GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY * US CONSTITUTION "PEOPLE POWER"- CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY HERTFORD COLLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY - CARROLL FOUNDATION TRUST + CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST - FBI Washington DC Field Office + US Department of Justice Most Famous Trans-National Organized Crime Syndicate Case in History

The US Senate Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate is the law enforcer for the United States Senate. One of the chief roles of the Sergeant is to hold the gavel used at every session. The Sergeant can also compel the attendance of absent Senators.With the Architect of the Capitol and the House Sergeant at Arms he serves on the Capitol Police Board, responsible for security around the building.

The Sergeant at Arms of the Senate can arrest any person upon their violating Senate rules upon orders from the Senate.

The US Capitol Hill Congress Sergeant at Arms is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of members of Congress congressional staff visiting dignitaries and tourists. The Sergeant at Arms works in concert with the Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol. These three officials along with the Chief of the Capitol Police in an ex officio status comprise the Capitol Police Board.

The US Capitol Hill chief law enforcement officer of the House is the Sergeant at Arms responsible for security in the House wing of the United States Capitol the House office buildings and on adjacent grounds. Under the direction of the Speaker of the House the Sergeant at Arms plays an integral role in maintaining order and decorum in the House chamber.

The US Capitol Hill Congress in 1828 incorporated the Capitol Hill Police following the assault on a son of John Quincy Adams in the Capitol rotunda. The original duty of the United States Capitol Police was to provide security for the United States Capitol. It's mission has expanded to provide the Congressional community and its visitors with a variety of security services.

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